Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Looking for Spain - the beginning

Morning started early, as early it could be. The sun was not yet up when we had our breakfast and soon after the sun shined a light on, we were on the road, on the way to discover the lost trails of Spain.

Up the mountains we went, north. And further north we went, passing the misty mountains, the green high hills and finally the fronteer. We're in Catalonian lands now. 

Following the big snaky road heading Bilbao, we planned a stop, before the destination of the first day. Half way through, just before our lunch break, we stopped to give some food to the car, feed ourselves and stretch our legs. As to my brother, we was still asleep.

The landscape, as we head East, changed, and so did the weather. We carried on for a few more hours alongside Santiago de Compostela's way (not more than 100 meters from the main road), while seeing people walking and cycling the way we are soon to make.

Cloudy and grey. Some spits of rains from time to time. This was the climate situation when we got to Burgos. A picturesque town, cosy by the looks of it (despite the time we spent here), tranquil and smooth paced. Because of the time we had ahead of us, we weren't allowed to stay much time wandering around and about Burgos so, right after a quick walk near the main cathedral and the old side of town,  we set forth on the road.

Just before I carry on with this tale, and for those who are unfamiliar with the meaning of Burgos, this word is used to designate a comercial city, developed outside the walls of the urban, landlord settlements; they appeared around XI - XV a.C..
The word itself, Burgo, comes from the latin Burgus, which means 'small fortress, village'.

The road, always waiting for us to be with her led us, with the help or mislead of the GPS, to our destination. The arid lands of Central Spain, halfway through the country, became green again and mountains showed again to ourselves. No, after having crossed the portuguese mountains and the arid flat lands of the spanish people, they were again here to embrace us and thus and our first big spot was just behind them.

With no desire to go back, after almost a day of ridding and the green, forestry mountains to make us company, not more a long path was between us and Bilbao, were we were to stay in for two days.

Two days to give us time to rest from a journey of a bit more than 700km. When I think of it, it's not that of a distance to make. However, to remain still and confined to the same space, in a car, for an entire day, with but a few stops to stretch, and go inside again... it can become quite discomfortable and tiring, for those who can't enjoy the pace of going on, and carry on, until the very end of the day, after the sun is set. And then, give grace to the comfort of a good, good bed.

We arrived at the end of the day and everything was closed, even the Gug museum. A little walk on the surroundings and a bit of planning about the most interesting spots to visit during our stay, we remained more to ourselves than to the city and, still early in the evening all of us were resting for the incoming days!

Welcome to Bilbao!

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